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Concerning Hate Symbols

Greetings, Drachenwald!
 We write to you to address our concerns with the use of symbols of hate and intolerance in historical groups.Over the years, we have seen more and more of this showing up in the world around us, but luckily not in the SCA until recently. As a group, our actions affect not only ourselves, but also those who are on the outside of the SCA. We are not an island or isolated from the world around us.
 We wish to make it clear that Drachenwald shall be a place of inclusion and that Drachenwald shall be a place of safety. There is no place in Drachenwald for hate speech, symbols of hate or behaviour of hate.
 Historical accuracy is important, but it is also important to be good and chivalrous. It is important to research and to gain more knowledge; it is also important to not belittle the horrors of the more recent past. To reiterate their majesties' earlier words.
 “Regardless of the intent, use of symbols of hate and intolerance have no place in our society."
 It must be recognized that some symbols, as historically accurate as they are, have been irrevocably damaged by the use of groups in our mundane world and are still in use today. Symbols such as Swastikas and the Odal rune are illegal in some of our lands on well-founded grounds.  We are not outside of the law as individuals nor as an organisation, and cannot have uneven treatment in our regions, so we expect this sort of standard to be adopted universally throughout the Kingdom.
 As always, we trust in the good judgement of our artisans going forwards.  We have seen adaptations of period pieces containing these symbols, where they have been omitted or substituted and we encourage your continued creativity here. But no one should be able to go on from today and claim that they did not realize the personal harm that it may cause some of our people. For some, this really is “the stuff of nightmares” that they heard about as children.
 Before us lies the task of rebuilding our trust in one other, to help each other to make the SCA and Drachenwald a better place for the future. Policies will be of little use to us if we do not talk and work on the issues at hand as to how we make Drachenwald safe and inclusive.
 While we are a group that gather around history we are also a social group.  We will not always get along, but we should always work to avoid hurting each other. Remembering that the “C” in our acronym stands for “Creative”, if something can be done in one way, we can also find a better one.
 We, the crowned heads of Drachenwald, with our Principalities and Baronies, with the support of our Seneschals and officers, want to make it clear that no one shall feel unsafe in our realm.
 In closing, we would remind you of the SCA's official policy on hate speech:

The Society for Creative Anachronism strongly condemns hate speech in any form by any officers and participants of this organization. The SCA was founded on and continues to be governed by the concepts of chivalry and honor, and strives to include and be respectful of all people, regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and politics. All participants are reminded of and expected to hold to these principles in participating in this organization and interacting with other people in person and in all forums, regardless of media.

The Board of Directors has heard the concerns of many people regarding the use of hate symbols in the SCA. The Board is concerned about this matter and has tasked the President of the SCA to immediately investigate. The President has the full confidence of the Board, and the Board will act as necessary to protect the participants of the SCA and to ensure that chivalry, honor, and respect for all continue to govern the organization.

King Lief Wolfssonne, Queen Morrigan nicTemair

Seneschal Edricus Filius Offaeus